{Học bổng ngắn hạn toàn phần}
20 Học bổng toàn phần ngắn hạn trong 2 tuần tham gia hội thảo với chủ đề “Tăng cường năng lực theo dõi và đánh giá (M&E) quốc gia” tại học viện phát triển chính sách và quản lý (IOB) 2020
Deadline: 27/3/2020
Link học bổng: click here
Chú ý: Hồ sơ app form không quá phức tạp và VN được ưu tiên!
2020 Evaluation Capacity Development (ECD) Seminar (19 – 30 October 2020)
This two-week evaluation capacity development (ECD) seminar funded by the Belgian Development Cooperation’s Special Evaluation Office (SEO) aims to bring together leading evaluation experts (members of National Evaluation Societies, VOPEs) in developing countries to strengthen those evaluation societies in taking up the role of developing national M&E capacities and use. More specifically, this seminar will enable 25 evaluation experts – who are members of national evaluation societies – to become driving forces in strengthening their national M&E systems and their own evaluation societies.
Applicants must hold a university degree
Professional expertise in M&E; mid-level to high level professionals in the government sector, civil society, academia, think tanks, donor agencies, parliament, audit offices, private sector
Applicants must be proficient in English.
Age limit: 50
Candidates should be a member of a National Evaluation Society or commit to become active members
National from one of the 31 countries where NGAs have a Common Framework Agreement. This includes:
Asia: Cambodia, Philippines, Indonesia, Palestinian Territories, Vietnam
Latin America: Bolivia, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, Nicaragua, Peru.
In case of candidates of equal quality, preference will be given to candidates from one of the 15 Belgian development partner countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, DR Congo, Guinea, Mali, Morocco, Mozambique, Niger, Palestinian Territories, Nicaragua, Peru, Philippines, Vietnam and Zimbabwe.