Over 40 study grants will be available for entry in 2016-2017 to international students. Applicants must be applying in first, single and second cycle degree programmes at the Alma Mater Studiorum-University of Bologna.
Grants are divided as follows: 8 study grants for students applying in first cycle and single cycle degree programmes and 32 study grants for students registering in second cycle degree programmes.
The University of Bologna, founded in 1088, was the first university and is the oldest in the world. It was the first place of study to use the term universitas for the corporations of students and masters which came to define the institution, located in Bologna, Italy.
GRE and SAT scores are required.
Test Requirement: SAT and GRE test are aptitude and skills assessment tests. The tests can be sat in authorised centres in various countries around the world; they are held in English. They must enroll for the tests on the websites of the organisations managing the tests. The codes needed to send test scores to the University of Bologna are: for SAT 6993; for GRE 7850.
Deadline: 31st March, 2016
Course Level: Grants are available for pursuing first, single or second cycle degree programmes.
Study Subject: Grants are awarded in all subjects available at the University of Bologna.
Scholarship Award: Each study grant is awarded for one academic year and amounts to a total of €11,059, gross of all charges for the beneficiary’s account.
Scholarship can be taken at: Italy
Eligibility: Applicant can apply for Unibo Action 2 if:
-they are in possession of (or about to obtain) a valid qualification for access to their chosen degree programme, issued by an Institution outside of the Italian educational system;
– they will sit one of the following tests by the application deadline:
SAT (if they are interested in registering in a first or single cycle degree programme)
GRE (if they are interested in registering in a second cycle degree programme)
-they are younger than 30 years
Nationality: International students are eligible to apply for these study grants.