[Học bổng du học Úc- PhD]
A PhD scholarship is available for a student to investigate how innate lymphoid cells regulate mammalian lung development under the supervision of Dr Malcom Starkey.
This project aims to identify new basic biological processes that are involved in mammalian lung development. For this we will elucidate the roles of a recently described subset of innate immune cells, known as type 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s), to promote normal lung development through the regulation of lung stem cells. The lung is constantly exposed to countless environmental challenges. Mammalian systems have evolved a local immune system that protects the lung against these challenges. This is particularly important in early-life when the lung is still developing. Our Hypothesis is that ILC2 homeostasis in the neonatal lung is needed for normal lung development. Our overall Aim is to characterise the role of ILC2s in regulating mammalian lung development using our established mouse models and unique set of genetically modified mice and techniques.
The value of this scholarship is $26,288, indexed in January each year. The scholarship is for a period of 3 years, with the possibility of a six-month extension.
Minimum eligibility criteria: GPA of at lest 5.25 out of 7, English Proficiency, Honours Class One or equivalent. Experience in Immunology, developmental biology, respiratory biology, flow cytometry, RNA-sequencing and mouse models would be a strategic advantage.
This scholarship is available to International and Australian candidates.
Interested applicants are advised to send an email expressing their interest.
Contact: Dr Malcom Starkey
Email: malcom.starkey@newcastle.edu.au
Phone: +61 2 40420204
Link: Click Here