Những học bổng ngắn hạn về nhóm ngành ngôn ngữ & ngôn ngữ học ứng dụng. Hi vọng qua các nguồn tin học bổng này sẽ giúp các bạn thêm cơ hội khám phá chuyên môn và thế giới.
Interested in Summer Schools in (Applied) Linguistics and Languages in 2019? Here we go! Below are a list of (Applied) Linguistics & Languages Summer Schools around the world! (Note: Not all of them are free and in summer, though!)
1. Corpus Linguistics Summer School – Lancaster University (England):
Lancaster University (England).
Cost: Free
Date: 24 – 28 June, 2019
Link: http://wp.lancs.ac.uk/corpussummerschools/
Note: High selectivity (probably because it’s free !!!!!)
2. English as a Lingua Franca & Multilingualism, Helsinki Summer School – University of Helsinki (Finland):
University of Helsinki (Finland)
Cost: 900-1490 EUR
Date: 6-22 August, 2019.
Note: There are other Helsinki summer schools that might interest you – take a look at the list of courses offered in there!
3. Summer School in Linguistics and Languages, University of Leiden (Netherlands):
University of Leiden (Netherlands)
Cost & date: to be announced. For more information, contact:
Link: http://summerschool.universiteitleiden.nl/courses/summer-school-languages-and-linguistics-2018
4. Corpus Linguistics Summer School, University of Birmingham (England):
University of Birmingham (England)
Cost: £150 for students, £190 for others.
Date: 24-28 June 2019
Link: https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/research/activity/corpus/events/2019/summer-school-2019.aspx
5. LOT School, University of Amsterdam (Netherlands):
Cost: from free for LOT affiliated students to €200-350 for others.
Date: 7-11 January, 2019 & 14-18 January, 2019
Note: This School is primarily for graduate students.
6. European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information, University of Latvia (Latvia):
Cost: early-bird: €350 (students), €550 (academics), €850 (non-academics).
Date: 5-16 August, 2019.
Link: http://esslli2019.folli.info
7. International Translation Technology Summer School, KU Leuven (Belgium):
KU Leuven (Belgium)
Cost: starts from €450 for students.
Date: 3-7 September, 2019
Link: https://www.arts.kuleuven.be/transtech-summerschool
8. Computational Linguistics Fall School, University of Stuttgart (Germany):
University of Stuttgart (Germany)
Cost: to be announced
Date: 9-20 September, 2019
Link: https://dgfs.de/en/cl/fall-schools.html
9. 2019 SLS Linguistic Institute: Linguistics in the Digital Era – University of California, Davis (USA):
Cost: $2200 for undergraduate and graduate students and $2600 for non-student affiliates.
Date: 24 June – 19 July 2019
Link: https://lsa2019.ucdavis.edu
10. ISLE Summer School 2019 – “Using the Past to Explain the Present” – University of Glasgow (Edinburgh):
Cost: to be announced
Date: 24-28 June, 2019
Link: https://www.isle-linguistics.org/activities/isle-summer-school/
11. Spring Training in Experimental Psycholinguistics, University of Alberta (Canada):
Cost: to be announced
Date: 13-18 May, 2019
Link: http://ccp.artsrn.ualberta.ca/portfolio/step/
12. St. Petersburg Institute of Linguistics, Cognition and Culture (NYI), St. Petersburg State University (Russia)
Cost: to be announced
Date: July 15 – August 2, 2019
Link: http://www.nyi.spb.ru/genInfo/
13. Forensic Linguistics Short Course, University of Cologne (Germany):
Cost: €430 (non-Cologne participants); €280 (Cologne participants)
Date: 4-8 August, 2019
Link: http://fs-lup.uni-koeln.de/flsc.html
14. DGfS Summer School 2019: Experimental Pragmatics: Theory, Methods, Interfaces – Humboldt-University (Germany):
Cost: €200-350
Date: 5-16 August, 2019
Link: https://summerschool.xprag.de
15. Summer School on Statistical Methods for Linguistics and Psychology, University of Potsdam (Germany):
Cost: to be announced
Date: 9-13 September, 2019
Link: https://vasishth.github.io/smlp2019/
Source: Thầy Duy