International Plant Nutrition Institute is now accepting applications for scholar award from international deserving graduate students in sciences relevant to plant nutrition and management of crop nutrients. Awards are available for pursuing graduate degree (M.S. or PhD) at a degree-granting institution located in any country.
The mission of IPNI isto develop and promote scientific information about the responsible management of plant nutrition for the benefit of the human family.
The International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI) Board of Directors offers awards of to graduate students and scientists working in plant nutrition and management of crop nutrients.
Applicants from outside the home country will often need to meet specific English language/other language requirements in order to be able to study there.
Scholarship Description:
- Application deadline: May 1, 2018
- Course Level: Awards are available for pursuing graduate degree (M.S. or PhD) at a degree-granting institution located in any country.
- Study Subject: Awards are provided in the field of sciences relevant to plant nutrition and management of crop nutrients.
- Scholarship Award: Awards of US$2,000 each will be conferred to deserving graduate students.
- Number of Scholarships: Not Known
- Nationality: International students
- Scholarship can be taken in Worldwide (where an IPNI program exists)
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
- Eligible Countries: International students can apply for the graduate award.
- Entrance Requirements: Priority will be given to the relevance of the proposed research in support of IPNI’s mission (see below). Students in the disciplines of soil and plant sciences including agronomy, horticulture, ecology, soil fertility, soil chemistry, crop physiology, and other areas related to plant nutrition are encouraged to apply. To be eligible:
- Graduate students attending a degree-granting institution located in any country with an IPNI program are eligible.
- Candidates for either the M.S. or Ph.D. degrees, who are enrolled in a program of graduate study as of the application deadline, are eligible. Applicants who have already completed their degrees are ineligible. In the case of Ph.D. candidates, preference will be given to students who have a minimum of one year remaining before completion of their studies.
- English Language Requirements: Applicants from outside the home country will often need to meet specific English language/other language requirements in order to be able to study there.
Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Applicants will need the following:
- Electronic copies of transcripts of all college work, including cumulative and final grade average records (GPA or percentage).
- Electronic copies of three (3) letters of reference supporting the application, one of which should be from applicants major professor or supervisor. Letters must be signed by the person providing the reference letter and should be written on official letterhead. Letters must include a phone number and e-mail address of the letter writer.
- A description of the focus of their thesis or dissertation research presented in a manner that will permit evaluation of its originality, depth, and scope, innovative approaches, and relevance to IPNI’s mission.
- Applicants will be asked to briefly describe any honors or awards applicants have received, employment, career goals, and other activities they pursue.
- Note: Applicants will be required to upload the electronic copy of the transcripts and support letters during the on-line application process. Applicants should have an electronic copy of these documents prepared in advance.