The International Research Agendas Programme is open for the applicants from all over the world. The programme is available in diverse fields of research.
The aim of the programme is to provide an opportunity for young researchers from all over the world.
The Foundation for Polish Science has been in operation since 1991. It is a non-governmental, non-political, non-profit institution which pursues the mission of supporting science.
Course Level: The programme is available to pursue research.
Study Subject: The programme is awarded in the following fields:
- Medical engineering technologies, including biotechnologies
- Medical diagnostics and treatment of lifestyle diseases and personalized medicine
- Production of medicinal products
- Innovative technologies, processes and products of the agrifood and forestry-wood sectors
- High-quality food
- Biotechnological processes and products of specialised chemistry and environmental engineering
- High efficiency, low-emission and integrated manufacturing, storage, transmission and distribution of energy systems
- Smart and energy efficient construction
- Environmentally friendly transport solutions
- Modern technologies of sourcing, processing and use of natural resources and the production of substitutes
- Minimizing waste including unfit for processing and use of materials and energy waste (recycling and other recovery methods)
- Innovative solutions and technologies in water and waste management
- Multifunctional materials and composites with advanced properties, including nano processes and nanoproducts
- Sensors (including biosensors) and smart sensor networks
- Smart networks and geo-information technologies
- Printed, organic and flexible electronics
- Automation and robotics of technological processes
- Photonics
- Smart creative technologies
- Innovative maritime technologies pertaining to specialist vessels, maritime and offshore structures and Logistics based on maritime and inland waterway transport
Scholarship Award: The programme will cover the followings:
- The Foundation will provide support and assistance throughout the application and implementation period.
- We anticipate that each project will receive a minimum of 35 million PLN for the first five years.
- Project funding will include costs of R&D work conducted by the unit implementing the IRAP, costs connected with the efficient functioning of the unit, costs of operating existing infrastructure, cooperation between partners, and knowledge transfer. However, support for new infrastructure will be limited to the purchase of essential laboratory equipment and fit-out. Funding will also cover the costs of research staff development related to project implementation.
- No significant funding is provided for infrastructure or large-scale equipment.
Numbers of Scholarships: Not known
Scholarship can be taken in Poland
Eligibility: Applicants must meet the following eligibility requirements:
- Applications should be submitted by renowned researchers with significant scientific achievements complemented by considerable managerial experience. The applicant can be a citizen of Poland or any other country, including from outside the European Union.
- Where required, e.g. if the application covers interdisciplinary research, the application may be submitted by two researchers. However, it should be clearly indicated in the application form which of the researchers is the principal applicant. The application can also be submitted by two researchers if the secondary applicant will be applying to take on the role of Scientific Affairs Director.
- The applicant applies to be the director of the new institution. Therefore, all the applicants have to be fully committed to implementing the IRAP and therefore be based at the institution for at least 0.5 FTE.
Nationality: Applicants of all nationalities can apply for the programme.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirement: Applicants must have previous year degree.
English Language Requirement: The candidate should have a very good command over the English language.
How to Apply: Applicants can apply via online mode.
- Documents confirming the profile of the applicant (incl. downloadable templates for list of achievements and list of invited talks and list of funded projects)
- An outline of the international research agenda (as per downloadable form)
- A letter of intent from the foreign partner (the competition documentation lists the minimum content requirements)
- A short description of the legal status and organizational structure of the IRAP centre
- Letters of intent from local partner institutions – if applicable (no more than 2)
- Description of socioeconomic impact
- IRA site information (as per downloadable form)
- Optional – letters of intent from economic partners (no more than 2)
Application Deadline: The application deadlines are December 20, 2017, and June 30, 2018.