The Doctoral Research Scholarships Program for Foreign Students (DE) of the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et technologies (FRQNT) aims to stimulate international student’s interest in beginning or pursuing doctoral studies in Québec and provide financial support to leading international Ph.D. candidates in the natural sciences, mathematics and engineering fields.
The scholarships are aimed at foreign students who had been preselected by a Québec university and who wish to carry out their doctoral studies in the natural sciences, mathematics and engineering fields. To be eligible, applicants must specialize in the following areas:
- Aerospace
- Information and communication technologies
- Health technologies
- Genomics
- Nanotechnologies
3.Eligibility, citizenship and residence criteria
Applicants must:
- Meet all eligibility criteria by the competition deadline on November 1st, 2016.
- Have been preselected by a Québec university by September 23th, 2016.
- Not have obtained a Merit Scholarship for Foreign Students from the Ministère de l’Education et de l’Enseignement supérieur du Québec (MEES) or one of the Fonds de recherche du Québec.
- Not be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada.
- Not have submitted an application for permanent residence under Canadian immigration laws.
In addition to the aforementioned criteria, applicants should note the following restrictions and administrative prerequisites:
Study program restrictions:
- The scholarship cannot be used for qualifying studies.
Eligibility criteria
Scholarship program eligibility rules account for all doctoral sessions (funded or not) completed prior to May 1st, 2017.
When calculating the eligibility period, the FRQNT will consider all of the unregistered or part-time sessions for which registrar attestations are provided in the application. The applicant must verify his/her eligibility by consulting the equivalents table for unregistered or part-time sessions in the Toolbox.
The FRQNT will also consider the number of master’s and doctoral sessions for which the applicant received funding from a recognized funding agency (e.g. NSERC, CIHR, SSHRC, the FRQNT, etc.) to ensure that the support does not exceed 15 sessions.
Eligibility period for applicants registered in direct-entry doctoral programs (bachelor’s to doctorate) and fast-track master’s/doctoral programs
Applicants admitted to a doctoral program after completing their bachelor’s degree and those who fast-tracked to a doctoral program without submitting a thesis may apply to the doctoral scholarships competition (DE) in the 3rd, 4th and 5th years of their graduate studies (between their 7th and 15th study sessions). Sessions that are completed when the scholarship comes into effect will be subtracted from the funding period. Under no circumstances will funding be granted before the 7th session or after the 15th session.
Applicants who hold a master’s degree when beginning their doctoral studies must submit their applications to the doctoral scholarships competition.
Doctoral scholarship eligibility period
Applicants are eligible for the doctoral research scholarships (DE) competition during the first nine (9) sessions of their doctoral studies (or the equivalent). Doctoral sessions (or the equivalent) that are already completed when the scholarship comes into effect will be subtracted from the scholarship period. Under no circumstances will funding be granted after an applicant’s 9th doctoral program session.
Eligibility period exceptions
Scholarship eligibility period exceptions will only be made in circumstances that are beyond the applicant’s control. In such cases, all supporting documents must be submitted along with the application.
Applicants who suspend their studies for a maternity or parental leave may ask to extend their eligibility for a maximum period of 12 months. In such cases, all supporting documents must be submitted along with the application.
When the applicant is a person with a disability under the Act to secure handicapped persons in the exercise of their rights with a view to achieving social, school and workplace integration (R.S.Q. c. E-20.1), the eligibility requirements do not apply. However, the doctoral scholarship period remains the same (three years). In such cases, all supporting documents must be submitted along with the application.
The FRQNT reserves the right to refuse any request that is not adequately justified.
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