[Học bổng du học Hàn Quốc 2016]
We, AVE Lab at the Grad. School for Green Transportation of KAIST, are looking for a Post-Doc and a Ph.D candidate in the research areas including
– Vehicular sensor (Radar, INS, GPS, Vision…) signal processing
– Sensor fusion and networked control for Autonomous Vehicles
BTW, can you recommend a website that I can post my openings for Vietnam students?
And good luck on your job search.
Seung-Hyun Kong
email: skong@kaist.ac.kr
Quang Nguyen
Center for Robotic Research,
Korea Insitutte of Science and Technology (KIST)
Mobile: 010-2681-1707
Email: qvnguyen@kist.re.kr / zquang@gmail.com