[Học bổng du học Anh- ngành Hàn Quốc học]
Sochon Foundation Scholarship at SOAS University of London in UK, 2016
The Sochon Foundation is providing Sochon Foundation Scholarship for students undertaking a full-time post-graduate programme in Korean Studies. The scholarship is open to UK/EU and overseas applicants.
SOAS, University of London is the only higher education institution in Europe specialising in the study of Asia, Africa and the near and Middle East. SOAS is a remarkable institution. Uniquely combining language scholarship, disciplinary expertise and regional focus, it has the largest concentration in Europe of academic staff concerned with Africa, Asia and the Middle East.
Deadline: Application deadline is 3rd May 2016
It aims to make the expertise of its members more widely available to the wider world by engaging with governments, businesses, NGOs the charity sector, the media, and beyond.
IELTS or TOEFL or Pearsons Test results are valid for 2 years. The university will accept tests taken up to two years preceding the programme start date.
Course Level: Scholarships are awarded for pursuing MA degree programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are available in Korean Studies.
List of subjects: MA Korean Studies (one-year programme only)
-MA Korean Literature (one-year programme only)
-MA History of Art (students taking three units, including dissertation, in Korea-related subjects; one-year programme only)
-MPhil/PhD Korean Studies Research (new admissions, starting in September 2016)
Applicants on the following programmes of study may also apply, but will not be given preference:
-Current MPhil/PhD Korean Studies Research full time students at SOAS and
-Students undertaking any other full time post-graduate degree related to Korean Studies.
Scholarship Award: The Sochon Foundation scholarship, valued at £7,000 in total is for tuition fees with the remainder, if any, for living costs.
Scholarship can be taken at: UK
Eligibility: Applicants can apply for this scholarship if they meet the following:
–Open to UK/EU and overseas applicants.
-Applicants must have an offer of admission to the degree programme by the scholarship application deadline.
-Applicants must meet the English language condition of their offer of admission to study at SOAS as soon as possible but no later than 1 June 2016. If applicants offer is conditional on English, they can arrange their English test and ensure they meet the English requirements as soon as possible.
Nationality: The scholarship is open to UK/EU and overseas applicants.
Link: http://www.soas.ac.uk/admissions/pg/howtoapply/