[Học bổng du học Thụy Sĩ]
The Chair of Programming Methodology at ETH Zurich is looking for excellent candidates for newly-opened PhD positions. The successful applicant will join our research group and begin work along on a new project for two PhD candidates, beginning in 2017.
The project will investigate the question of how to connect modern capability-based type systems (such as that employed by the Rust programming language), and formal program reasoning techniques, in order to develop a new kind of lightweight verification tool specifically targeted at enabling everyday programmers to reason about the correctness of their code. This work is part of our ongoing Viper project, see our research page.
Key requirements for successful applications:
• Strong commitment to research
• Interest in programming languages, tool building, formal reasoning, and software correctness
• Excellent M.Sc. or B.Sc. degree in Computer Science or in a related subject with a strong Computer Science component
• Proficiency in English and excellent communication skills, both oral and written
How to Apply: Applications and questions should be sent to Mrs. Marlies Weissert at jobs-pm-at-inf.ethz.ch. The application should include a CV and a description of research interests. We will consider applications until the positions are filled. The start date is negotiable.