The French Institute for Demographic Studies (INED) awards doctoral studentships for a period of one to three years starting from 2nd October 2017. Applicants of all nationalities are eligible to apply for this programme.
The sole objective of this call for applications is the attribution of work contracts, and the selection of an applicant in no way ensures them funding for their research.
The institute’s main objective is to provide high quality, comprehensive educational and training opportunities that are compatible to changing needs of the students. The Institute’s missions are to study the populations of France and other countries, to ensure wide dissemination of the knowledge thereby acquired and to provide training in research through research.
Course Level: Studentships are available for pursuing doctoral programme.
Study Subject: The proposed research project must tie in with the thematic and methodological focuses of the iPOPs laboratories of excellence namely family dynamics, ageing, social inequality, gender inequality, generational inequality and public policies.
Scholarship Award: INED welcomes young researchers on the basis of two key principles: – The young researcher is a research professional. As such, their activity is remunerated as part of a work contract (providing the right to social security, paid holidays and sick leave). The contract in question may be financed by INED-iPOPs or through external financing managed by INED or 1 externally. The young researcher is in training and their research is part of their professional project. As such, they receive personalised support from an INED researcher (see list of mentor researchers in the appendix). The mentor researcher helps the young researcher improve their research skills during their stay at INED.
Number of Studentships: Three or four doctoral students will be selected.
Scholarship can be taken in France and Abroad (PhD students may be hosted at INED for all or part of their doctoral period)
Eligibility: Applicants must meet all of the following criteria to be eligible to apply for this Fellowship:-
- Applicants must hold (or complete during the current academic year 2016-2017) a Master’s degree (M2) or equivalent in a discipline related to the and qualifying them for admission to a PhD programme in a French or foreign university.
- Applicants must be enrolled (first enrolment) in a doctoral programme in a French or foreign university for the academic year 2017-2018.
- Applicants must have the backing of at least 2 mentors, including their thesis mentor(s). At least one mentor must be an INED researcher.
- There are no criteria in terms of age or nationality.
Nationality: Applicants of all nationalities are eligible to apply for this programme.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must hold (or complete during the current academic year 2016-2017) a Master’s degree (M2) or equivalent in a discipline related to the population sciences and qualifying them for admission to a PhD programme in a French or foreign university.
How to Apply: The mode of application is online.
Submit all the following documents on the call platform:
- A curriculum vitae
- A cover letter
- A thesis project, not to exceed 5 pages. The project statement is to be drafted by the applicant, in close collaboration with their mentors. It must include the following:
- The scientific context of the thesis topic (use bibliographical reference so to demonstrate topic importance and originality)
- Research objectives and hypotheses
- Methodology (data sources, planned data collection, statistical method so that will be used)
- Main findings expected
- Work plan and schedule. A provisional thesis defence date must be indicated
- Assessment of research risks and proposal of solutions. This section requires particular care (recommended length: 1 page) and should only be written up after detailed consultation with mentors. It will allow the committee to assess the student’s ability to anticipate difficulties inherent in the proposed research project and to find solutions to problems that arise (related, for example, to access to sources, data collection, funding searches, learning and applying analytic methods, writing difficulties [especially for applicants who will be not be writing in their native language], etc.). The impact in terms of scheduling delays or possibly dropping a segment of the proposed research outline should be indicated.
-Master’s (M2 or equivalent) thesis. Applicants who have not yet defended theiro Master’s thesis should attach a draft of it (marked “draft” on the first page). - Master’s thesis defence report. Applicants who do not have a report must file ao statement from their Master’s thesis supervisor specifying the reason the document cannot be submitted (e.g., Master’s thesis defence scheduled later than the application deadline; thesis defended at an institution that does not use reports at the Master’s level).
- Transcript of grades for the first and second semesters of the M2 programme.o Applicants who do not have their second-semester grades yet should submit those for the first semester together with a statement from the M2 programme supervisor specifying that second-semester grades cannot be transmitted before the application deadline. If applicant’s university has specified in a single statement that neither a thesis report or second-semester grades can be provided, the applicant should submit this document twice: once in the thesis defence report box and once in the Master’s programme grades box.
Application Deadline: The application deadline is May 4, 2017.